Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lines of Latitude and Longitude...

Today in US Geography we studied parallel lines of latitude, the major one being the equator which divide the earth into a northern and southern hemisphere; and meridians of longitude, the major one being the Prime Meridian which divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres. Now in that sentence I've just reviewed about 10 different facts that may just show up on the our next quiz or test!

To study these lines in more detail we did an activity today using brightly colored wrapping string to define and label these particular important lines. Thanks to Layers-of-Learning for this idea and printable. Here are just a few photos of the 9th and 10th hard at work:

Now the only thing left is to make sure you don't confuse them: parallel lines of latitude include the equator, dividing the earth into north and south hemispheres; meridians of longitude include the Prime Meridian, dividing the earth into east and west hemispheres.

If you need a refresher, check out this 3-minute video we watched today in class...
Good luck!

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