Friday, August 23, 2019

Scientific Method Video Bonus...

Since we were not able to watch in class the video from Mr. Anderson at Bozeman Science about the Scientific Method, I have posted it below. You must watch and leave a comment that you watched it to receive +5 Bonus Points for the quiz on Monday, August 26th. Don't forget to comment!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Second-Hand Uniforms...

The first day of school is right around the corner! If you're in need of uniforms, I have a stock of second-hand uniforms, still in great condition, for sale. Be sure to check out what I have by clicking the link across the top entitled Uniform Inventory. Prices are included for the different articles of clothing. Feel free to contact me if your interested in trying on a particular size. Also check out Sunday's bulletin for information as to when I will be available at school for you to come in and go through what I have.

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer break!