Thursday, April 12, 2018

Electromagnetism Videos...

The 11th and 12th have had a break in Physics these last three days for SAT testing. Since our test over chapter 21 is Friday, April 13th, be sure to study our review last week over sections A and B and the worksheet you completed and we graded today in class.

If you'd like to earn some extra credit (+3 Bonus points) for the test, watch these three videos below and leave a comment to earn your bonus. We watched these videos in class for each section (A, B, and C) last week, but I thought you may need a refresher over the chapter.

Mr. Anderson from Bozeman Science and his video on a Magnetic Field of a Wire...
Mr. Anderson and his video on Electromagnetic Induction...
And a video on the DC Motor from Learning Engineering...
Please leave a comment below that you watched or you will not get your extra credit points.